Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cub Scouts?
Check out our Cub Scouts 101 page. It goes over the basics of Cub Scouts.
How much is it?
Check out our Dues and Fundraising page.
When and where do you meet?
Pack Meetings are usually the first Monday of each month at First United Methodist Church in Celina, TX.
Den Meetings are once or twice per month, generally on Sunday afternoons. Den meeting schedules are made by the den leaders, so each den schedule is different and can change from year to year.
Check out our Calendar for our schedule of pack meetings and activities.
How much are uniforms?
Our pack doesn't provide or sell the uniform. The prices are determined by the local Scout Shop. Prices are around:
Blue uniform shirt ~$35
Neckerchief ~$13
Blue uniform belt ~$15
How long do meetings last?
Pack and den meetings last about an hour each.
What kinds of activities do you do?
Check out our What We Do page for an overview of our major pack activities.
Where do you go camping?
Camping locations vary from year to year, but in the past we've gone to Camp Wisdom, Camp Burnett, Ray Roberts State Park, Camp James Ray, and more.
What do you expect of parents?
The most important help that you, as a parent, can give your child is to work with them on their Cub Scouting Adventures as they work toward their badge of rank. We expect our scouts' parents to be present at meetings, engaged with the program, and to help where they can. Cub Scouts operates through volunteer leadership. While we don't require all parents to be registered volunteer leaders, the effectiveness of the program depends on parent involvement.