Pinewood Derby
Build and race your pinewood derby car against others in the pack!
How much does it cost?
Inspection/Check in: 1/31 6:30-7:30PM at Celina FUMC
Race: 2/1 Time 6:00-7:30
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
8000 Eldorado Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75033
What should scouts wear?
Class B uniform for Inspection/Check in
Class A uniform for Race
RSVP: Not required
Race Day Information
Every car will race once in each lane. We will throw out the slowest race time and average the remaining race times for each car. The cars with the resulting fastest average time will be the winner. We will use computerized timing equipment and software to manage race results, but the Race Officials decisions will be final.
Only the volunteer Pit Crew will be allowed to handle the cars during the races. Cars will be selected randomly and run based on the total number of entrants. All cars must meet the assigned race rules as listed in this document. In the event of a disparity or concern, the Race Officials decision will be final.
All cars will be weighed on the same scale during registration. Cars must weigh no more than 5.0 oz
on the official race scale. The Race Officials have the final say on car eligibility.
We will be presenting these awards for this year’s Pinewood Derby, so keep these in mind when designing your car.
Trophies for top three times in Pack
Medals for top three in each rank level
Patches for all participants
Safest Car
Racer’s Favorite
Best Scout Theme
Best Use of Imagination
Best Use of Paint
Best Use of Accessories
Most Unique Shape
Most Colorful
Least Wood Left on the Car
You must be present for the entire Pinewood Derby for your car to race. If you leave early or arrive late, your car will not race.
All cars, wheels and axles must be from the BSA Model Kit. Only BSA official parts are permitted. No parts manufactured, modified or machined wheels are allowed.
All cars must be made by the Scouts. Parents or other adults may give assistance, but the Scout should do the main work designing and building the car. If a saw is used, please have the parents do that.
All cars must pass inspection to qualify for the race. The inspection points are as follows:
The car must have been made by the Cub Scout during the current year.
Dimensions of the car shall not exceed 7 inches long by 4 inches tall by 2 3/4 inches wide, including the wheels. Wheels must be at least 1 5/8 inches apart; track clearance at least 3/8 inch.
The weight of the car shall not exceed 5.0 ounces. No loose, moving or liquid weight is permitted. You may add weight to the car as long as it does not exceed the maximum weight, the weight does not interfere with the race and the weight does not move.
Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited. Grooved or machined axles or wheels are prohibited. No hubcaps are permitted.
The running surface of the wheels must be flat. Rough edges and mold marks may be removed. Wheels that have been rounded, thinned, wafered, machined, lathed, weight reduced or otherwise modified will not be allowed.
Axles may be lubricated with dry lubricants only, i.e. graphite. All lubricants must stay on the car and must not foul the track. Oil based or liquid lubricants are strictly prohibited.
New axle holes and differing wheelbases are allowed. The car must be freewheeling. All four wheels must touch and roll flat on the track. No canting or “rail riding.”
The front of the car must have a flat area to accommodate the starting gate. The flat surface must be perpendicular to the bottom of the car so there is no starting advantage.
No part of the car may extend past the starting gate. The car shall not ride on any kind of spring. No starting devices are allowed.
Absolutely NO GLITTER is allowed on the cars. It comes off of the cars and damages the track and the timing mechanism.
Any Scout car that does not meet these specifications will be given the option of fixing the car before final check-in on Friday night.
Once the car has been weighed and inspected, the car will be placed on a table to await the start of the race. Only the designated pit crew may handle the cars until after the race. No further modifications can be made to the car. If the judges see a problem, it is at their discretion to ask the Scout to correct the problem. Every attempt will be made to allow each Scout to race.
Pinewood Derby Cars that have loose parts will have to remove the loose parts or the car will not be able to race. Cars that can’t stay on the track during the race will not be able to race.
If a rule violation is suspected at any time, the car will be examined by the Race Official, which may include removal of axles or wheels for inspection if required. Race Officials may disqualify cars that do not comply with the rules.
Please review the following statement with your Scout:
In every competition there are winners and losers. You accept this when you choose to compete. There may be times when you win and feel happy, and times when you lose and feel unhappy. Winning a car race does not make you a good Scout. A good Scout does not brag or gloat when they win, and they do not act jealous or bitter when they lose. A good Scout must be able to say, “I did my best” and be proud of their effort. After all, this is the “fun” part of Cub Scouts, enjoy it!